Nobal Days - Racine Park Forward - Interview


Noble Days, a standout senior from Park High School in Racine, Wisconsin, has emerged as one of the top basketball players in the state this season. Standing at an impressive six-foot nine inches, Days may not be a high-scoring machine, but his impact on the game is undeniable. He is known for setting the defensive tone and takes pride in shutting down opponents while setting up his teammates for success on offense. As Days continues to improve his offensive skills, his focus remains on contributing to his team's victories in any way possible. He plans to play for Tulane University next season, as their offensive and defensive schemes align perfectly with his playing style. Despite scoring not being his greatest strength, Days is determined to enhance his offensive game. He understands the importance of becoming stronger, faster, and a better leader. He believes that Tulane's emphasis on movement and creating opportunities for all players, including bigs like himself, perfectly aligns with his desire to make an impact on the court. With his sights set on joining the Green Wave, Days is dedicated to refining his skills and making a significant contribution to his team's success.

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