Cale Millen - Mount Si Quarterback - Highlights/Interview


Cale Millen, the son of former NFL quarterback Hugh Millen, is making waves as a rising quarterback prospect at Mount Sinai School. Initially hesitant to let Cale play football, Hugh was impressed by his son's fierce tackling skills and competitive nature. Though he didn't start playing quarterback until later, Cale's aggressive and fiery approach on the field has helped him stand out. With his dad's NFL experience and deep understanding of the game, Cale has developed a strong grasp of defensive recognition. Cale's competitiveness extends beyond the football field, as he and his younger brother Clay constantly push each other to improve. While the Millen name has been associated with the University of Washington in the past, Cale has verbally committed to the University of Oregon. He was drawn to the family atmosphere and sense of trust he felt from the coaching staff. Cale's commitment to Oregon is being celebrated as he continues to make a name for himself in the world of football. Watch this video to learn more about Cale Millen's journey to becoming a rising quarterback star.

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